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Who am I?

I am a passionate, grounded optimist. I believe that every single one of us do the best we can with the knowledge, the skills and the energy we have. And when we learn more and rest more, we do better. 


Like you, I have been through "stuff". I have had ups, downs and everything in between. I have succeeded and I have not. I have learnt and grown. I have run and I have laid down and cried. Then I got up and did what I had to do. 

I have brought up my sons. I have built and cultivated relationships. I have worked hard, I have rested and I have had outrageous fun.


And at times I fought. I have fought alone, I have fought with others. I have fought for myself and I have fought for others. I have had fights with myself and I have had fights with others. And even if the fights were for good - for good causes, for good people - they exhausted me.


So a while back I stopped fighting and I chose flow. 

And now I stand in my inner grounding, when self-doubts and self-criticism show up, I handle it calmly and create my life and career from the place of strength. And this is how it has become sustainable.


This is what success looks like for me. What does it look like for you? 

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Beautiful Women

My mission


I am here to make the world a better place by helping my clients to live, lead and speak from our inner grounding, conviction, strength and confidence.


When we deal with our self-doubt, self-blame and self-criticism, we can listen to our inner knowing and whispers. And when we are connected to our inner knowing and whispers, we do what we feel and know is right for us. And just like that! We start to change our corner of the world. 


Book a call now to find out how we can create this for you, too!

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